Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life in the Fast Lane

Oh, hello again!

Ok just kidding, that was dumb. But thanks for coming back to read my blog. So I'm sitting in the waiting room of the surgery wing at J-Hop, and I'll be here all afternoon in fact. Perhaps the coolest news I've gotten so far this morning (I know you might be thinking, "it's only 930, how much news could you have seen?" I've been up since 5 am, so suffice it to say, I've heard a lot news) was heard from the waiting room coordinator. I asked her where I could find some wi-fi so I could get online. She smiled at me, and said "have a seat honey, we have Wi-fi right here"

So that's how I was able to get online. We're waiting here basically all day, mom's surgery is scheduled until 3pm. So I have some time on my hands, and I thought what a great time to enter in a new pondering.

So on a recent road trip to Allentown, I got into a discussion with my traveling cohorts about proper highway etiquette, and more specifically, proper usage of the left lane. Now everyone knows that I'm a fairly excitable guy, some might say I border on high strung. What ever your opinion on that topic may be, you all know if you've ever driven with me that I get very VERY upset when I come upon someone driving in the left lane, when in fact they shouldn't be there.

Now I wouldn't profess that I'm the best driver in the world. Well...not openly at least, haha, but I would say that I do posses an above average knowledge of the road, and how to handle a car, ect. This is perhaps why I become so frustrated when I encounter someone going 50 mph in the left lane, with not a car in sight. They post signs everywhere, "Keep Right, Pass Left"

Now this is not to say that you cannot ever drive in the left lane. This adage doesn't suggest that you should weave in and out of the left lane for every car that you encounter going slower than you. It's completely acceptable to stay in the left lane to pass a line of cars that for what ever reason are choosing to progress slower than you are, and then when you find a stretch of open right hand real estate, to move over.

This thought again resurfaced last night as I was driving from Pittsburgh to Baltimore. I encountered numerous times a vehicle lazily cruising along in the left lane. Just hanging out, all "Sunday drive" like. I even encountered someone who moved over for me (also a topic of discussion, but a different time perhaps) and the moved BACK OVER after I passed. Now that doesn't make any sense to me. The right lane was open for miles and miles. Oh well.

Now I can hear all of you saying it now, how hard is it to just go around them on the right. Not hard at all, it's just the principle of the subject that I'm discussing. Now I am not seeking to offend anyone with this thought, and I apologize if you feel that it was targeted. Not at all. I only write this blog with the intent of informing you. Food for thought if you will. Perhaps next time you're on a road trip, or on your way to work, or off on vacation, this post will stick out in your mind and you'll flick that turn signal to the right, and move on over. Then a person, not unlike myself, won't have to floor it by you, engine racing, horn blaring, expletives pouring out of their mouth, flicking you a signal of their own.

Well thanks for listening till the end. To jump on the "music video in post" bandwagon, I leave you with this. It probably doesn't have any relevance other than the title, but it's a damn good song, so far as I'm qualified to say. Ta-tas for now ;)

1 comment:

KB said...

Thinkin about you and Mom today, send her my love.