Tuesday, October 14, 2008

William Shatner Ain't Got Shit on Me

Well first let me apologize for not writing a post in quite a while. I've been very busy at work and my blog has slipped my mind when I'm home and have time to write in it.

Anyways this is going to be brief because I'm tired and it's almost 11:30pm. So I'll just share this quick experience that I had about a week ago when I was driving home.

It was about 930 or 10pm, I can't remember exactly, and I was driving down Friendship Ave towards Negley, because my new favorite way to get to and from Oakland is to go across the Bloomfield Bridge. So I'm driving down Friendship and up ahead I see what appears to be a man slumped against a tree, with his legs sprawled out in the middle of the street. So I of course slow down and move toward the center of the road, as there were no oncoming cars at this moment. As I approach this man, he does not move or make the slightest indication that he realizes I am traveling towards him in a 2 ton box of metal. As I pass he still does not move a muscle in response to the fact that he's blatantly in the road.

Being the conscientious person that I am, I think to myself that something must be wrong in this situation. So I pull out the old mobile, and dial up 911, and politely inform them that there is an unconscious, possibly deceased person lying almost in the middle of Friendship Ave, all Rescue 911 style!

Just another exciting adventure of my adult life. Sorry for this brief/lame post. I promise I'll have more exciting material to write about soon. Till next time, thanks for reading!

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