Monday, July 7, 2008

Lemon Flavored Turbo

Well I decided to give this "blogging" thing a try. A bunch of my friends are doing it and it seems like a fun endeavour, as well as a great way to keep everyone up to date about what's going on with me, since we dont see each other nearly every day like during the school year. So that said, let us begin.

Since graduation at the end of April lots of big changes have been happening for me. I moved to my own apartment in the small neighborhood of Morningside. If you ask Jamie to give you directions she'll undoubtedly lead you into the backwoods of Ohio, because she believes that's where it's located, but it in fact isnt that far from everyone. Its just a stone's throw away from Highland Park and the all too familiar Negley Ave. Its a great little 1.5 bedroom. (technically its 2 but the one is so small its just an office to me). I know I havent had everyone out to it yet but I promise that sometime in the near future I will have a get together and we can "break in" the place, though no actual "breaking" please.

Also, I'm realizing throughout the course of writing this last passage that I have no clue how to tell the difference between "its" and "it's". If anyone would like to shed light on this dilemma that would be great. If memory serves me its('s) completely backwards from every other standard way to use an '

Also about the time of graduation I started my first full time, college graduate job at the Bank of New York Mellon. I spent several weeks trying to describe the position as exciting and flashy and financially minded as I could (partly because I was afraid it was an accounting position and partly because I didn't really know) Now that I'm a month and a half in, I can tell you, without a doubt.....I'm an accountant. Haha, oh well, thus is life. It's going really great so far and I'm very excited about where this job is going to take me.

I've just decided to alternate my usage of "its" and "it's" because its driving me crazy not knowing which one is the appropriate usage. Anywho, now onto the "main event"

Anyone who's spent more than 5 minutes talking to me knows that I'm extremely interested (read: obsessed) with automobiles. I love them, I love driving them, I love reading about them, I love buying them. Indeed, anyone who's spent another 5 minutes talking to me knows I've had 8 cars since I started driving at the age of 16. Well everyone, number 9 has just arrived. Last week I got my 9th (and hopefully final for quite a while) car. It's a 2003 Saab 9-5. Its black, it's fast, and.......its in the shop. Yes that's right had it a week and already broke it. Anyone who's spent a yet additional 5 minutes, that's 15 minutes total time talking to me knows that I'm incredibly unlucky with cars, and that anything can and will go wrong with them. Luckily, this one came with a factory warranty, and it shouldn't cost me anything out of pocket. *Crosses fingers* So come Monday I hope to be back in "The Saab" and having a carefree, happy time with it, sans any downtime.

Well that's it for now. Thanks for reading my first blog. Sorry it was so long. I'd love to hear what you have to say and I look forward to the next post :)


Jamie said...

Your color scheme made me see stars for 20 minutes. Other than that, you're on the right track with the blog.

FYI - it's = it is

Never use contractions and you'll be fine. If "it is" doesn't fit in the sentence than you should be using its.

Craig A. Lehocky said...

"Since graduation at the end of April lots of big changes have been happening for me." voice has been sounding weird and I'm beginning to feel funny down there...

Unknown said...

well after reading and commenting on yours, Jamie's and Craig's, well and Kelly's (Bubbles) I'm starting to feel the need to have my own. Not yet though, because I know how bad I am at actually doing keeping up