Friday, August 1, 2008

David Who?

So a couple moons ago my good friend Mo called me and in a very excited tone of voice proceeded to tell me that the new season of The Real World, Hollywood, had a star from Waynesboro, PA. She was so excited because this person was our age, and since Waynesboro, my hometown, is so damn small, the chances of me knowing this character were high. Now the only thing she knew about this guy was that he was blonde, and his name was Dave. Now I don’t watch MTV, so by extension I don’t know shit about The Real World. However as soon as she told me this, my mind immediately shot to a guy who is the only person I could think of as being foolish enough, or narcissistic enough to actually go on The Real World. So when I got home that day I did a little research and sure enough, Dave on The Real World was exactly who I thought of. There must have been 20 guys named Dave in my high school when I was there, and my guess was exactly right as this being the one. And this guy was (and apparently still is) a complete tool. That guy who thinks he’s popular but isn’t at all. Hangs out with all the “cool groups” but doesn’t belong to anyone. A MALE CHEERLEADER! Apparently his man junk was also on the “less than impressive” side. At least that was the rumor. I of course have no personal experience with which to judge. So there’s your back-story

Last night, for Alex’s farewell hooray, we went out to Matrix. Now a small group of us arrived early. Craig, McCall, LP, Carrie and myself. We’re sitting in the Top 40 room just watching the ugly hoes, who can’t dance nor keep their nether regions from temporarily blinding us at our table. Anyways, the DJ comes on, trying way to hard to get people excited for the then empty Matrix, and he starts saying something about David Sky from The Real World coming to Matrix that night. Now so as not to be a complete dick, I’ll refrain from posting his last name, but let’s just say it starts with “M”. It most definitely is not “Sky”. I ended up seeing this D-bag walking around, and you’ll never guess, he was walking around by himself. Not one person actually gave a fuck that “Dave Sky from the Real World” was there. HAHAHAHA. I love it.

Small town stars. What a joke. Haha

1 comment:

Craig A. Lehocky said...

No one gave a shit that Dave was there...except you! You chased him around the Matrix! and even wrote a blog about him! Let your true feelings show...