Friday, August 8, 2008

When it rains, it pours...

Sorry for the hiatus, but at the beginning of every month it gets really crazy here at work. I won’t bore you with the mundane; lets just say I sort of maybe almost understand what it’s like to menstruate now. I don’t mean this in a literal sense; just the anticipation of a monthly situation where your emotions are going crazy and you get pissed off easily. That’s essentially what the last week has been like here. Anyway, things are back to normal now for the next few weeks.

So on Monday I woke up to a lovely rain shower outside. Now I hate rain, because it’s so annoying and inconvenient. I realize that it’s essential to life and all, and admittedly I’ve actually had fun “playing” in the rain as a child, I just wish that it would only actually happen at times when it wouldn’t impact me. So that would be between the hours of 8:30a and 4:30p, and 12a till 630a. That being said, I truly did find this rain to be a pleasant occurrence. I had my windows open so it was nice and cool in my room, there was a great breeze, and the sound was soothing. Well, I quickly changed my mind about this rain the minute I went to leave my apartment. As I stepped out the door of my building, the skies opened up and a torrential downpour ensued. Now I have this crappy little umbrella that I lifted from 354 Semple during my exodus, because my really nice, hella big “golf” type umbrella was stolen. This thing isn’t worth the child labor that was used to make it. I was COMPLETELY soaked. My arms, legs, backpack. The only thing dry was my head. I get to the bus stop, get on the bus and guess what… it stopped raining. So it rained like an asshole just long enough for me to look as if I came through a monsoon, and then it stopped. And this is why I hate the rain.

Anyways I’m excited for the weekend and what it entails. The Scooby Do Shitaru is going into the mechanic’s next week. Hopefully it’ll be fixed and ready to be sold soon, which would be fantastic. If anybody knows someone that needs a car, and you don’t particularly like this person (its not going to be a great deal, haha) send them my way.
Thanks for reading this far, and come back soon.

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