Monday, July 28, 2008

Don't Plunder the Wonder

Because it has been the subject of a little friendly teasing by fellow bloggers, I'll skip out on welcoming you back, reader. Just know that my thanks are still present.

Had quite the weekend here in the Burgh, and it was a nice change from the weekend I had last week, being at J Hop and all. Some great news though, my Mom has returned home from the hospital. She was discharged Sunday evening. So that is some wonderful news. She will most likely be undergoing some Chemotherapy and radiation treatments. During the surgery the doctors removed 30 lymphnodes and 1 of them was malignant. 1/30 isn't bad, but she'll still need the treatments. A small setback but overall her situation is very positive and manageable. Thanks again to everyone for your expressions of encouragement.

So Friday night was an interesting one. Activities included a free happy hour at McFadden's that wasn't free at all, but still a great time. I was sort of a big deal while we were there. A bartender gave me 4 free shots for my friends and I. Ok so I'm not that big of a deal, it just so happens this girl is currently "knowing" one of my coworkers, in the biblical sense of the word. Free shots just the same though.

Saturday was a fun one as well. I destroyed most of my intelligence and civility by playing GTA: Liberty City for a good 10 hours. It was pathetic. I got home at 9am (I obviously crashed somewhere other than my apartment since I was wasted the night before) and began playing then until 7pm, stopping only for sustenance and the callings of nature. I got my fill of car jackings and killings though. I shoot this one bitch consistently because every time I go to get a burger in the game (thus "healing" me from all the gang fights I'm in) she calls me a fat ass. Obviously a bad ass gangster cannot let this indignation go unpunished. Unfortunately she always comes back to life to insult me again, so the murder does little more than the assuage my annoyance.

Saturday night had a great game of poker in-store for me. My fellow blogger and friend Mike McCall has already given you a rundown of the evening and some "how well do you know your friends?" trivia in his bog, McCall of the Wild (, so I won't spoil the fun with a recap.

So you are perhaps wondering what significance the title of this blog holds to the story that I've just told. Well, up until now, none at all. I got this little phrase from a bottle cap of Magic Hat. This is the second time that I've become greatly amused by Magic Hat caps, the first being "You Can't Be Real Unless You Feel". So I've now decided to follow in so many others' footsteps and collect the caps in hopes of one day having enough to cover a table or some other piece of furniture that wont' fit in my apartment. Anywho the point I'm telling this to you is so that you can help me achieve my goal. If you enjoy a Magic Hat at the bar or at home, do me a favor and throw it in your pocket, or a cup, and the next time you see me, give me a little present.

Well my lunch break is over, so I guess I've got to finish this up. Until next time!


Michael said...

Story of your life..."I shoot this one bitch consistently" because _________ (fill in blank)

Thanks for the shameless plug as well

Craig A. Lehocky said...

After reading your entire blog, and then looking away at a white screen, I think I saw the virgin Mary.

Nathan said...

Ahh the joy of a Magic Hat. I've got some for ya man once I get up to Pitt sometime I'll be sure to give them to ya.
"The Devil Is In The Potato Salad"