Monday, August 11, 2008

An Anal Bead or a Dragon.....Which One Are You?

Think carefully now on your answer. It could be important.

So if you haven't guessed, I just got back from seeing Pineapple Express. Let me just say that it was hilarious. I must say that I was slightly skeptical, and mostly ignorant of this film in the past weeks leading up to its release. I hadn't seen any previews (I pay for cable solely to get a discount on my internet) and therefore I had no idea what to expect really. I like Seth Rogen and although I've only ever seen James Franco in the Spiderman movies, he wasn't bad. Then several people told me it was a great movie, and the prospect of $5 movie night is just too much to pass up. So I went to see it, and was not disappointed.

The evening had some moments about as outrageous as the movie. It was supposed to be Ravi, Mike, Kerri and myself, but it ended up being a bros night. First off, Kerri, apparently unaware of how a clock works or how to read one, went grocery shopping at the Waterfront 20 minutes before our movie was supposed to the Southside. So she did not make it. Now Ravi had already purchased 4 tickets (the movie was sold out so good call) and upon receiving the call from Gatti that she would not be attending, was now in a bit of a situation. Luckily the universe does not fail to provide, as an 8 year old had just such a need for a ticket of this kind. So Ravi was scalping tickets at the Southside Works movie theater. Before our movie could even begin, there was some additional excitement. Apparently a rather unscrupulous character had tried to see a showing of Pineapple Express without right to do so. Whether it be by sneaking in or just not leaving after the previous showing, we will not know. Now I was not there to witness the initial fiasco, but McCall tells me that a very beastly movie attendant with no shortage of attitude confronted this guy, who fled the scene into the Men's bathroom. Where I come in is at this point, where she is outside the bathroom, yelling various obscenities which vary around insulting this guy's manhood...or lack there of.

Anyways, the movie was GREAT. It did a great job of building excitement and anticipation, which is no small feat for a comedy. It started of benignly enough and built up into this crazy smattering of ridiculous situations that did not fail to disappoint the laugh-o-meter. It does a great job of simultaneously glamorizing and denouncing the practice of smoking weed, and has some killer action scenes. I don't want to ruin anything for anyone, so I won't say anymore.

I hope everyone else's Monday evening was equally enjoyable. Goodnight all. Until next time, thanks for reading.


Unknown said...

somehow, it says you posted at 7:47 PM... so I think Ker's not the only person/thing that has trouble with time. Haha.

Anyway- the "laugh-o-meter"? Really? Hahaha

Michael said...

Whose anal bead is it?

And laugh-o-meter...I don't know how I feel about it, but it was high on the laugh-o-meter.